If we need to add a EventListner to Back Button of the Header panel its not possible so easily...
The Simplest Work around to capture the Events fired by back button in the Header is as given below.
The Highlighted text in Green is the Container tags for Back button with respective Classes for Back button.
The Script below is the function which will be called once the Back button is clicked.
<h1 data-dojo-type="dojox.mobile.Heading" label="Header Title Goes Here....">
<div id="backButtonId" class="mblArrowButton" style="width: 67px;" onclick="customClickHandler()">
<div class="mblArrowButtonHead"></div>
<div class="mblArrowButtonBody mblArrowButtonText">Back</div>
<div id="backButtonId" class="mblArrowButton" style="width: 67px;" onclick="customClickHandler()">
<div class="mblArrowButtonHead"></div>
<div class="mblArrowButtonBody mblArrowButtonText">Back</div>
function customClickHandler()
alert("Back Button Clicked");